“It is better to take refuge in the LORD that to trust in man.” Psalm 118:8, ESV
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support as each of us seeks to understand God’s will and leading for Lubeck Community Baptist Church. This has been a time of uncertainty and change for all of us and we long to be together again as a family of families. However, each one of us must prayerfully consider what is best for us as individuals and as families. Please do not feel pressured or disappointed if you do not feel the time is right for you to return to in-person services. We will continue to offer services online and to support all of our families as each makes the decision that is best for them. Most importantly, we ask that you do not come to services if you are sick, not feeling well, or are having any cough, fever or symptoms of illness, COVID-19 or otherwise.
With the Governor’s “Comeback” plan, we will resume services in our building beginning Sunday, May 31st, with the following modifications:
There will be 2 services, 9am and 11am on 5/31, 6/7, and 6/14, after which we will evaluate the need for multiple services.
Each service will be limited to 100 seats.
Reservations will be required and once made, will cover all three dates (5/31, 6/7, and 6/14).
Every other row will be roped off and we ask that you respect the restrictions. This will allow us to then rope of the rows used in the first service and open up the unused rows for the second service.
We will have ushers that will take you to your seats so please allow a few extra minutes in your arrival time to accommodate this process.
Children are welcome and we hope you will bring them but there will be no children’s activities and they will remain with their family throughout the service. There will be a children’s message but the children will remain in their seats with their family.
There will be no food or refreshments. Bottles of water only will be available.
The service will continue to be recorded and will be available on the website and on our YouTube channel at 11am.
Reservations can be made from the web page using this link: RESERVATIONS. Please select which service you and your family would like to attend and fill out the email prompts to reflect your name, the number of seats being reserved and a contact phone number where you can be reached. If you prefer, reservations can be made by calling or texting Pastor Mark at (304) 482-6869.