“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…”
LCBC is a very mission-minded church. Along with regular financial assistance to a missionary family in Bolivia and two missionary families in Mexico, LCBC gives to the four special offerings that IM (International Ministries) has during the year, as well as our American Baptist Women’s group which gives monthly to help with local, state, and international missions.
LCBC has been on mission teams into Bolivia, led teams into Nicaragua, and Chiapas, Mexico. All of these mission offerings and trips are announced in advance so that everyone has the opportunity to participate in some way, such as team member, prayer partner or financial partner.
LCBC’s roots as a church plant in 2000 gives us the understanding of the value of being a mission-minded church. If you’re interested in being a part of our international mission team in any way, please reach out to us and let us know!