“The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1, CSB

As a family of families, we have prayerfully considered our response to the current environment in our community and our nation due to COVID-19. While we are unaware of any of our members being infected, we have many members that are in the high risk categories according to information from the CDC. As of today, we believe the most appropriate response is to cancel all services and Sunday school beginning Sunday, March 22nd until further notice. God has graciously given us the ability to broadcast our services, as we do each week, using a link from our website and we encourage you to gather with close family, friends, and small groups to join us in worship Sunday morning at 11am.

No matter what may come, this is our time as Christians to stand on our faith in God and to serve those in need or most frightened. During this time, we must strive to respond to others with love and remember that no matter how circumstances appear, God is in control. Please remember to check on family and neighbors regularly, particularly those in high risk categories and those living alone. Finally, please join us in daily prayer asking God to guide each of us as well as our state and national leaders and those around the world as they make decisions that have significant impact on all of us.